New Programmer's Survival Manual

New Programmer's Survival Manual: Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup (Pragmatic Programmers)

New Programmer's Survival Manual: Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup (Pragmatic Programmers)








Tips 1: Beat Up Your Code


You must beat up your code, and the product as a whole, before it goes out to customers.

The customer, after all, beat up your product. They'll use it in ways you don't anticipate. They'll use it for extended periods of time. They'll use it in environments you didn't test in. The question you must consider is this; how many bugs do you want your customer to find?

The more you beat up your code right now, before it gets into customers' hands, the more bugs you'll flush out, and the fewer you'll leave for the customer.


客は,けっきょくはあなたのコードを叩きのめすのだ.彼らはそれをあなたが予期しなかった形で,より長い期間,あなたがテストしていなかった環境で使うのだ.あなたが考えなければならない質問はこうだ: あなたはいったい何個のバグを,お客に見つけて欲しいと思ってるのか?


Tips 2: Insist on Correctness

In toy programs it's easy to tell the difference between correct and incorrect. Does factorial(n) return the correct number? That's easy to check: one number goes in, and another number comes out. But in big programs, there are potentially many inputs- not just function parameters, but also state within the system - and many outputs or other side effects. That's not so easy to check.


Less than 100 percent coverage means you have some cases that are not tested. Junior programmers will assume that the converse is true: when they hit 100 percent coverage, they have enough tests. However, that's not true: 100 percent coverage absolutely does not mean that all cases are covered.
Don't lulled into complacency by 100 percent coverage: it means nothing about the quality of your code or your tests. Writing good tests, just like writing good application code, requires thought, diligence, and good judgment.


Tips 9: Optimize Your Environment

The integrated development environment(IDE) has its advantage; primarily, it's easy to use. Don't let an IDE limit your exploration , however. Discrete tools, like Vim for text editing, have staying power among programmers because they're tremendously powerful.


Tip 10: Speak Your Language Fluently

A language - or any skill for that matter - takes about 10,000 hours of dedicated practice to reach true competency.(中略) This works out to about ten years for most people.


There are a couple of ways to learn idiomatic programming:

  • First, if there's a greate book on the language, by all means start there.
  • Second, find open source projects written in the language and study them.


Tip 27: Get with the Project

Waterfall Project Management
This style works well when the tasks are well-known and there isn't a lot of risk in the time estimates. In other fields of engineering, for example, building a road, the road engineers have a good idea of what they need to do and how long it takes. Likewise, if your team writes software to do customer billing and it already supports five methods of billing, adding another would be a project well-suited to waterfall management

ウォーターフォール プロジェクトマネジメント

Waterfall has a couple key vulnerabilities, too: first, when new invention is involved, it's impossible to tell at the outset of the project what tasks will be required or how long they’ll take. Programmers must resort to guessing, and the compounded effect of hundreds of guesses is a huge wild-ass guess. At best.


In a waterfall project, you’ll be given some chunk of the project requirements and then asked the following:

  • What tasks does it take to meet the requirements?
  • How long will each of them take?

The totally honest answer to both questions is, “I don't know .” But your project manager won't take that one.


  • 要求に合うようにするにはどんなタスクが必要か.
  • それらにはどのくらいの時間がかかるか.


... orz


Tip 30: Identify Corporate Antipatterns

The Mythical Man-Month

The Mythical Man-Month [Bro95] by Fred Brooks is a famous book in the high-tech world. It seems like everyone has read it. It seems like everyone has forgotten it, too.
Fred Brooks, however, asserts that adding programmers to a late project makes the project later.

The problem is that programming in a team requires a great deal of communication and coordination.

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering


Fred Brooksの『人月の神話』はハイテク界で有名な本である.全ての人がそれを読んでいるようだが,同時に全ての人が忘れている本でもあるようだ.
しかしながらFred Brooksは,「遅延したプロジェクトへのプログラマーの追加はプロジェクトをさらに遅延させる」と主張した.




Tip 32: Never Stop Learning

My personal bellwether is watching recently published books - the paper kind - since publishers are looking for the same sweet spot. They want to keep their books on the leading edge but need a large enough audience to offset the cost of making a book. Blogs aren't as reliable because you'll always find someone who will blog about anything, making it hard to tell the difference between critical mass and passing fads.

「新技術がブレイクするタイミングを知る上ではブログは書籍ほど信用できない.*8 出版社は利益が出るだけに十分な読者がいないと出版しないが,ブログはそうではないから.*9

Broaden your thinking

The real magic is that digging into Scheme with SICP won't just make you a better Shceme programmer. Forcing yourself out of your comfort zone and reasoning about code in a different manner will improve your ability to reason about all code, not just Scheme.



7つの言語 7つの世界

7つの言語 7つの世界

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages (Pragmatic Programmers)

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages (Pragmatic Programmers)

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement







*7:wild-ass guessをどう訳すべきか悩んだ.assには人前では口にできないような卑俗な意味もあるので「壮絶なクソ予測」という解釈が一番正しいのかもしれない.






Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)